>:( I lost Halo and can't even download this! ArGhhgg
can you make one that says ROFLCOPTER from the lime green bar thing and have a picture of a toy helicopter in the backround? thx [IMG]
looks nice, but you should probably change the name, like Hurricane Katrina, it might offend people. Though it is a tribute, so I dunno
this looks amazing PS: nice photoshop
you should use interlocking. It would make a BIG difference yay
I've seen this before in picture taking, never in a real map, but you should add some equipment for fun and then you could take cool battle shots...
that helps ALOT on the new maps I'm making! Great guide!
I don't know why, it won't let me view the pics >:(
Thats meant to look like the truck broke down the wall
finally, a assymetrical map (my favorite:CtF)
looks good, but whats with the name?
nice godzilla, but it reminds me more of an average dinosaur than godzilla
it looks like alot of fun
it looks like Bungie put up a magical barrier around the recon so people can't get to it, only stare in awe. no wait, thats the hill
do you really get to strip off your armor and become a guy with a mustache and a vengeance for a stapler? if so, DLLLLLLLL
pics are unclear, except for the 16th one. WeRe YoU oN dRuGs? rofl anyway, nice map.
is it wrong if you have a family vacation here and ditch your family to hide in the outhouse? anyway, nice map I especially like the snack house
the pics still aren't working for me... I don't know why...
ummm... this map has been made before, differently (I'm not saying you stole it) but one of the other ones by Nathon Green looks and works the best.
HAH it looks like my brother just kidding. ROFL