it looks fun, but what exactly is it?
thats awesome. what does master chief look like after he picks up the sword?
I saw this a longgg time ago on (BEFORE the update) and it is pretty cool, but for some reason, mine only vended one BR and then kerploded
I like it.
I FOUND HALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 yeah
it looks cool, but is there another base for the other team?
why is it in aesthetic? it should be in casual. I will download, because I like maps that have easter eggs
that's... interesting. you should make another with a map to go with it and interlocking 3/5
it looks sloppy, and why is it in aesthetic?
ROFL I wink fire too
it looks ok, could have been made better, but good idea. amazingly, I've never seen that done
I don't know how this would help much, but good idea. It might help if it was floating
this would be good for aesthetic maps, but not so much for competitive. great idea though!
I like how the Stargates hurt your eyes to look at. 4/5 nice map
I like ships, and this one is going on my download list when I get Halo back. Nice map!
that's... interesting. were you bored when you made this? lol. I like playing the Katamari games too
When I get Halo back, I will download because of the last picture.LOL. But it looks slightly sloppy, even though you used interlocking. oh well. 4/5
it looks cool but I can't download right now because HALO IS MISSING!
this is kinda late, but I was on vacation, thanks for the pic!
it looks like fun (finally a map that's not on Foundry!) but I lost Halo... :( saaad face