Instead of that, you could just have the explosives spawn at that phase. If you want them optional in the game, I believe that if you have a...
This thread contains info about spawning
I guess I forgot to as if its hollow or not. If you can't get the angles perfect, you can built a cube using them(since it is a cube), and then...
Have you considered using multiple 3x3 talls? Also, the cardinal directions are shown at the top of the screen. Elites directions aren't in...
I have noticed you didn't mention if players aren't playing..IE the shooter isn't there. Maybe you can make the tower one-way accessible, Rough...
Here's a place I seem to find useful sometimes. It's a random word generator! You can even chose what the word starts with. Usually you have to...
In thinking about this, I may have figured out why bungie might NOT have though this was bad. Its something that seems to be overlooked by the...
I can't think of a way to do it with time, only distance traveled. scatter trip mines ~1 meter away from each other under one-way shields and have...
To me, if I'm not using rotation lock, I accidentally rotate the object by a degree or so, that could be another cause of your problem, as I don't...
Sorry! I just don't have any friends that really like halo. If I actually get a game going on it, I will be sure to use pictures from that instead.
Added the video a bit ago, I hope it enhances the preview and maybe I can get some ideas on if I need to change it or not. I still have not...
A way that you could get up the 5x5 block is a -40* rotated Large Brace, great incline when your out of them.
Based off of the Halo 3 campaign mission, Crow's Nest's Motor Pool (right after arming the bomb and before re-arming bomb) I modified it little...