I think that it should be kinda like action sack but there need to be some exp or else it will just be like over sized custom games.
I agree with you Fable 2 was way to easy to beat.
Doom games have some of the stupiedest story lines ever but their really fun.
YES!!!! Fable is a great game and their finally making a new one! and yeah that would be nice if you did update this thread.
I'll sign up for this, infection is the best gametype in halo. GamerTag: Obiter891
Hey i'll help you out. how high of a skill do you mean by someone with a high skill?
I'm interested in join this group. infection is the main and i think only custom game i've ever played and i just love them.
my favorites would have to be team slayer and team swat.
Bioshock is a scary game at points, but it's not too scary that people should get it. It's kinda like a horror movie, you know it's going to be...
i have to agree with the arguement ThatRandomBoi has presented what will happen to it after the player dies?
on default it's easy to turn and switch weapons, i use to do that alot before i switch to boxer.
Yeah i got to agree with you super mario sunshine and luigi's haunted mansion were good games.
The BR was the main weapon i used other then melee. so i will too
I thought they stopped production of this movie a year ago. did they pick it back up or they just trying to make a riot?
I tryed going bumper jumper but it just didn't fit me so i just went back to boxer settings
Thats why i've never heard of that game i've only played a Sega Dreamcast like once or twice.:squirrel_evil:
This guy looked like he was a pain in the butt.
There is only 2 games that i have played that i thought was scary. F.E.A.R. and Doom III, And if anyone is thinking of getting Wolfenstein, GET...
I have never even heard of that game. Toy Commander. What system was it for?
HAHAHA Laxative gas Grenades? how would that kill anyone? or anything?