dont we all :p
bronson just told joee :(
YouTube - The Map Montages - Avalanche
You have my word o good one!
Ill check it out :)
1. Send a clip to me in whichever way you please. 2. Yes I have already done an Epitaph montage.
YouTube - The Map Montages - Ghost Town Next map is Avalanche.
YouTube - The Map Montages - Snowbound The next map is, Ghost Town.
Wow that is weird. But nope never have problems getting all my footage in color.
Well with the HD, the quality of the video is really nice. And what do you mean by black and white? Like literally?
Hey dude, I never got any of your clips.
Well with me, its complicated because I hate to buy things so I just download free trials & wait until they expire. After that, I move on to the...
you guys are complaining about not having your clips in their. but never even sent them in!
I would it a complete simulation of where I live.
YouTube - The Map Montages - Assembly The next map is Snowbound so send in your clips now!
Hey, ill use your Assembly clip in a later montage that i'm going to do.
You should sign up for my site brah.
wtf happened?
nvm it works.
I don't see it.