Okay, will you be online in about 30 minutes? I would like to eat before **** goes down between us. :p
So, I assume you play Halo 3. If so, we should play.
I was banned for a short while wayyyy back when. I just havn't been on in while. Yeah, you definitely seem really familiar now. I'm sorry but I...
Both the people who edited and starred in this montage are good friends of mine. I thought I would spread it around a little within Halo...
Thanks for the welcoming :p What do you mean unbanned?
Please watch and give back any feedback. :) YouTube - World Famouz :: The Last Thing I See :: A Halo 3 Montage
Hey, I was wondering if I could get my username changed to Nick Novikov please?
May I get my username changed to Nick Novikov please?
get your 4chub of my /b/
YouTube - Anonymous Rave
sup holmes?
lyk omgz we are talking on skype!
I wanna be there when you get hacked so I can lol at you too. Ive been hacked before, not ****ing funny.
Vote for Gods Tapwater please. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/best-forge/85037-best-aesthetic.html
Vote for God's Tapwater! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/best-forge/85037-best-aesthetic.html
Yo OTT2OWN whats up? Its been a while since we talked. BTW if you may, please nominate my map for best aesthetics of spring/summer 09.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/best-forge/85037-best-aesthetic.html When you get the chance, vote for me and my friend please?