Wow looks really well forged, but not diggin the "worms" to much but besides that looks awsome! A cant wait to se the finished map
As it turns out i just go a a warning for that :( but thanks for trying to warn me about a warning, lol
Wtf? How am i spamming!!!
Sorry dont have any good screens to give but if i was going to to take a screen to submit does the energy drain count as electricity? Or do i have...
Omg crazy! What haz the world come too? Shadows lookin like airplanes wow i agree bungie favs
The spartsn standing on the halo is da best never liked sig pics much dunno why anyway nice pics :) 32/32.6
I like eather something blew up or theres a monster in here, light a match and hansle and gretel 9.2/8.6
Yeah more color would be good try juicy and gloomy for good Fx
Damn man looks amazing. :) looks like some epic hog battles are about to go down
Looks good but it is too blank. needs more buildings to be good
Looks sick will DL :)
Looks like fun and i dont agree that the tower is sloppy because it is obviously supposed to look that way but the top and bottom bases look ver...
Ooooohhh Looks like an awsome map! Nice use of gold pillars i like the forging alex is right if you wanted to you could make a sick asset map out...
Looks AWSOME ur da best for puttin this guide together... There now its in my favorites :)
haha dude Ur sig is some funny **** I think you made my afternoon :)
Good idea i think its been used before tho (just guessing)
i expexted to find the alphasite firefight map and was dissapointed it wasnt but then i saw your map and changed my mind! Looks good but sandbox...
Hahah i also like wen he gets t-bagged an the body punches him
Mmmm looks yummy
Lol funny wit good editig up they get old after a couple minutes