I'll trade you for the Clamperl and ponyta... I can offer some legendaries or something idk...
Ugh this Shiny Mewtwo wont shine. I think I'm at a little over 4200 SRs, which isn't bad, but its annoying.... SHINE ALREADY MEWTWO!!! SHINE!!! lol
wow thats pretty epic... nice XD
You can up your chances at specific natures using certain pokemon. Pokemon like Ralts or Abra can have the ability Synchronize, which, besides...
Completely agree. I find Electivire looks like a total badass behind you, as does a shiny Charizard. XD
Blastoise Sandslash Alakazam Cloyster Eevee* Ampharos Houndoom Sneasel* Skarmory Entei Suicune* Ralts* Aggron Breloom Salamence* Milotic...
You'll be giving them away? because I'll totally take one or so out of these: Blastoise, Giratina, Salamence, Houndoom or Metagross...
Yea that honestly sucks pretty bad...
I see what you mean... I have an idea though. What if an entire new section was made for Gaming, and then sub-sections could be made for other...
lol that sucks... I SR'd for my charmander though. Took awhile. And Charizard is my fave pokemon, and fave shiny, so hes a ****ing boss and it...
... Thats not what Im trying to do, Im just hunting for shinies. Trust me when I say if I just "do my thang" I wont randomly run into a shiny...
Sorry I think that whole post confused me deeply. What exactly did you say?
yea ik Ive done that before... Im so bad at it. My highest chain is like, 25 or something.
meh.. there are a couple, but I dont like groups... they always get (with the exception of some like the SCF...Not!) very inactive and usually...
so I was thinking of branching off of this thread and making a discussion thread for shiny pokemon, or some sort of Shiny Pokemon FanClub, but idk...
No theyre not, they moved onto shades. ;P
i just finally got my Dragonair to lvl 55... I have a Dragonite XD I'm excited. He totally kicks ass.
I've done that, using just a charizard... its easy. I didn't have trouble, I just didn't try to level my team up properly, so they were lower...
LOL lucky XD --- I've been spending the last hour in the fiercest battle against Lance I've ever had. My team is underleveled a bit for the fight...
You can get Heartscales I think from breaking rocks with rock smash, from luvdisc's and I think randomly with the dowsing machine. Also, in some...