If you have fought every single trainer in the game, you should have seen all the pokemon required for the national dex. To complete the national...
Chaining takes a lot of practice and luck. I spent days trying and trying and only getting to like, 8. Then all of a sudden within the last couple...
watch this YouTube - GekkouKitsune's PokeRadar Chaining Guide
I find that its not important... but if I had to guess... an inhuman amount of hours. In total, I think I did over 6500 SRs for Mewtwo. For the...
Oh good god... this has been an epic week for me. Following my shiny electabuzz and ralts, I went back to SRing for Mewtwo, and what do you know...
YAAY!!! I got another shiny through chaining... I'm finally getting decent at this. I got a shiny blue smexy Ralts which I want to evolve into a...
I haven't personally tried it but I do know it works. It's sorta hard though cause for it to work you need to random encounter a shiny in your...
OOOMMGGG I just got my first chained shiny pokemon!!! I chained an electabuzz, and got a beautiful and awesome orange electabuzz at lvl 39!!! Its...
lol well its there now. XD Anyway, I officially hate Ralts. After losing a chain to a teleporting Ralts, I got my Dusknoir with the perfect...
Which reminds me, in a way, can Randle add marrilands website to resources? As it has great info and stuff... Pokemon.marriland.com Oh and my...
I lol'd... so I am so annoyed... I had a really good chain going with a Ralts, and was close to getting a shiny patch when I attacked and...
well personally I feel like you have two pokemon that are too close in type and moves... and those are magnezone and electivire. Personally, I...
lol no problem! XD so is the Clamperl... he really looks epic shiny. Thanks sooo much!
**** I gave you the wrong FC sorry... its 0989 7911 2065... whoops lol... anyway, I have the lombre, so Ill give it a water stone to hold so you...
I got the lombre! I found one in Sapphire and named it Poncho. Im calling it up to my platinum now.
alright well im hard working on that lombre... what if I got you a lotad and gave it a water stone, and then traded you that so you can evolve it...
hey please take trade talk to VMs...
hey sorry it took a while to respond, my comp crashed and stuff... anyway, I dont have a lombre... but I can try getting one for you. Is there...
hmm well I dont have a poliwhirl, but I have lots other pokemon... would you want other good water pokemon? I have a lvl 25 lapras, level 57...
Hey what would you want for the Clamperl and Ponyta? And my FC is: 9089 7911 2065