Actually I do have a latios... and its not charmander, as I evolved it into a Charizard to be on my main team. And @Orange... lol I told you, or...
I only recently started getting into shiny hunting, but I have... Charizard Squirtle Electabuzz Ralts Cyndaquil/Quilava (Just evolved lol) Beldum...
the real trick with RNG abuse is the need for your secret ID, or, SID. This can be ARd for, but if you rather go legit like me, you have to either...
RNG Abuse is when you take advantage of the way the game determines shininess to get a shiny with specific nature and what not in your game. Its...
Pretty fast actually compared to other shinies Ive SRd for... only around 600 SRs... whereas my shiny Mewtwo took around 6500 SRs and my shiny...
No I have that Jirachi... I got it too. And the shiny pichu. But I dont really want to trade it, plus, im using it in my playthrough right now and...
lol nah... Im playing through my new game of soulsilver with it. And I dont think I want to trade any shinies... unless theyre for other shinies...
Ugh... I hate this shiny cyndaquil. Absolutely one of the ugliest shinies there is imo... but I cant argue with getting a shiny lol... so imma...
I know I have him... I was walking with him and hes an absolute badass.
Depends. Can take a few minutes, could take hours, days, weeks or even months. Its based on a random chance that 1/8192 pokemon is shiny. But that...
yea. I had to get my SID first, which I got when I caught the shiny Lotad, which counted as a random encounter pokemon. So because it counted as...
OMG I was just resetting for a shiny Totodile when the unfortunate but fortunate happened- I GOT A SHINY!!! But not a totodile... a Shiny...
So using RNG abuse I got a shiny Lucario and Nidoran. Im now starting a new game on SS and going to SR for a shiny Totodile before beginning. I'm...
no. soz... Ive always wanted one and am gonna probably EV train it for my team.
I dont use the GTS, and I like to get my shinies on my own as much as possible. Actually, Im hatching for a shiny Riolu now. The yellow Lucario is...
I got a shiny Squirtle and Beldum today XD Im super excited cause I've always loved the epicness that is the silver Metagross.
Yes and no. There is a pokemon Black and White on the horizon, but it wont be out in Japan until this fall, and not in the US and Europe til next...
Lol yea... though of course, with Black and White coming out, that number will climb to probably around 600 or 610 or something... so if theres...
Ill do it soon... Im in the middle of a chain.
Whoops... meant to hit the 1 for 100 more lol...