Yea sure, I can get both. Whichever you prefer, and I can wait. Right now, I have a shiny mudkip to give to Orange later today.
Alright Orange I have your shiny mudkip. I'll trade you it tomorrow. In the meantime, if anyone else has a request, send it to me in a VM. I'm...
Shellos is pretty bad... I dont think theres any difference actually... Anyway, Orange, Im in the middle of getting your shiny Mudkip.
What? Its IVs will be random... theres a way to get perfect IVs but Idk how. And also, Im not gonna waste my time EV training other peoples...
I would but I traded my only good team to my HG and my HG is currently saved at Kyogre, SRing for him, so I cant fight right now... NOTICE: So...
I dont agree... better late than never first off, imo... And if you give them time, the starters grow on you. I initially didnt like the three of...
I SRd for it. My second shiny HGSS silver (first was my cyndaquil= TOTODILE YOURE NEXT! lol) Took only around 1000 SRs, which is pretty low for an...
Pokmon Black & White - New Pokmon Lol Im the poke-fanatic yes. XD
So I just got a shiny chikorita lol... I was so surprised to see it pop up on screen I did a double check and then was just like, lol k. Anyway,...
I honestly really like the Fire Pig, and as my favorite choice of starter is fire and my name be Pigglez, I think we all know who I'm choosing. XD...
Yes well I can only thank you oh-so-much for that marvelous nickname... lol =P
Pokmon Black & White - New Pokmon The Silhouettes of the starter pokemon for the 5th gen have been revealed, and are expected to be unveiled...
Oh I have an account there... I just don't use it because Ive been inactive with GFX now... but I might have ONE more tut... I'll check. If I do,...
Yea definitely go for it. XD
Ahh yes RNG abuse... thats how I got some of my shinies. The catch is getting your SID to do it. Without cheating that is...
No never do this. Don't be a hax... real good pokemon come from patience, perseverance and a **** ton of EV training. Not shitty ARs. Be legit,...
Yea its something that really takes a lot of patience to do. However, and this is if you don't mind the fact its sorta cheap, you can RNG abuse...
lol I know... its the main thing I like in Pokemon is collecting Pokemon, so collecting shinies is epic. I don't battle much, though I do have a...
I got a shiny Solrock yesterday!!! Check it out, I took a pic... [IMG] I just like shiny Solrock, they look bamf with that bright red center body.
I think im gonna SR for a shiny Lugia once I get up to him in my SS. Meanwhile, my playthrough team right now is sorta ok... theyre a bit...