Great job! Geomerging with out doors is really hard, so i've got to say, you did a great job. By the way, how exactly do you geomerge with out...
Tank you everyone. I agree with that ^ the first three are my fav too. However, i really like the one where the recon is white and half is kinda...
thank you, and lol, i don't have recon. that is one of the things that makes me proud of all the recon screenshots i've taken. I was able to...
Well here are some of my fav screenshots. All of these were taken by me, and have been in no way edited. Hope you like them. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Thank you, and the center was inspired by amplified. Amplified is my favorite map. Oh, and i can't wait to see what maps get picked from atlas,...
Thanks for all the supportive comments. I'm really glad that you guys like the picture, and i'm honored that you put it on forgehub favs. It now...
I guess i might be able to see the connection there. However i've only played on onslaught maybe twice, so i don't really kow if they actually...
Over Under Pro is the 7th version of my over under map. The map has been tested many times and tweaked for optimal playability. I've had many...
oh Yeah!! i'm on FH Favorites
thanks alot man. Your name confuses me...
it's from the grunt b-day party skull and the confetti (spelling?) that pops out
wtf... this exact thread was just posted. :(
Thanks, and yeah i really like to take pics of recon. Part of it is because it looks cool, and the other part is because it's rare
thanks man, i really liked the fuzzy background too
wow, great pic 5/5 for sure!
thanks a lot you guys, i'm really glad to see that people like it. i'm about to post my gallery here
Thanks for the comment, but you might get in trouble for spamming. You have to write more than that or you will recieve an infraction
They're both staged, but ok. Thanks for all comments you guys. I took some new recon pics, i might post them here later
pssh.. Elites are garbage, the only time i ever use an Elite is when i want a cheap advantage in SWAT
THanks... i guess. Hey if you guys want any help with taking screenshots, send me a FR and a message saying you saw this on forgehub, and ill help...