This map looks amazing! The tunnel and the interlocking is perfect! 5/5 for sure.
Thanks everyone, and I agree, the first one is my favorite out of all my screenshots.
If it isn't a super forging map, I think i'll cry...:(
I know I could have included these in the other post, but I like to make posts of 2, that way the replies are more specific to the screenshots....
Here are two of my newest screenshots, hope you like them. :) Mark V Leaf: [IMG] Red Eye: [IMG] Thanks for looking, comments are appreciated....
Who is your favorite screenshot taker and why? I personally like Predator5791, a cuban cat, and Phenomenon IV the best. Predator has great forge...
I still play a lot and i like customs, but my FL is full. I'm sure with a little bit of effort, you can find a lot of people willing to play...
I switch back and forth, so i'm not voting. But, on average i'm a spartan.
I play on 4, I don't see how anyone can play on 10.
Simply amazing. It is perfect, 5/5 and download for sure. Keep up the great work.
Yep, that was me. Glad to see it helped people. :)
good screenshot, 9/10. What is the background? Is it a deployable cover?
yep, i have. The pit, near where the sniper spawns.
I think phenomenon IV tried to tell me how to get it to develop with out it turning all white. He said something about sticking the camera in the...
Green security is my favorite. I really like the reflection in his visor. Radioactive is a little bit to bright, but that has always been the...
Now, reading the title you are probally wondering why i called it Bungie's official screenshot guide if I wrote it. Well, I wrote it all up, sent...
Does the second one have anything to do with throwing a spike grenade at one of the Fx spheres and looking through it?
I'm going to guess either a fuel rod gun explosion at the same time as a normal explosion, or something to do with a banshee
It was inspired by MLG maps (amplified for example). There is a good amount of open area. This creates fast paced gameplay. (i couldn't add any...
I'm really glad you guys like the pics. Also, to the guy above this guy, that's spam, but whatever. Any way, i'm going to remove some people on...