This map looks very good. The interlocking and merging looks perfect. The bases have a MLG feel to him and the overall look to the map is very...
I agree, I can't wait for this map! I don't think bungie will let us down...
Hey Urk, didn't know you were a member of forgehub. I was looking through the list of members with the respected rank and saw your name. Thanks...
I don't really think it's that big of a deal. He's still a kid, he made a mistake, the only problem is that kids look up to him, that's what...
Those are really good! I don't know anything about photoshop, so to me, those look really good. Keep up the good work!
LOL that's pretty funny. Nice shot, 5/5.
Great looking map! The interlocking appears flawless and I really like the underground section made by interlocking the bridges. The map seems...
Okay, cool. I'll look forward to seeing you over at Epic Pic! Also thanks for the compliment.
Hey, what's your name? Also, I have started posting my stuff in the screenshot section.
I agree completely, i didn't see anything that struck me as amazing. It's all just forge writing in the sky.
please post a link to them. I guess i'm just judgeing him hard because he called him the best, so i was expecting a lot better.
he's ok, but he didn't really take any real screenshots. They're mostly just forge art in the air. It may be because i only looked at the first...
Hi, i'm alec944, I've been here for a year, but i'm just now getting really active. Well, I guess I'll tell you some halo related stuff about me...
lol, that is awesome! great story! I can't believe half the things people do.
looks great. The interlocking looks perfect, and i really like the fence wall ramp. The gameplay looks good, so 5/5
Great looking map. The only thing i could see that may need to be improved is the design of the bases. the bases are very plain compared to the...
Great post, the mancannon idea really helps a lot.
never heard of him. Care to give an example?
yeah, sure, I won't be on much today due to the superbowl, but I'll remove someone and add you (FL is full)
no, only members of B5D can submit item to be picked, but the submission period ended yesterday.