lol im not sure how to get the needler :P but you can just jump and shoot the left fusion barrel through the fence it will be a while before i...
what picture upload site are ] you using if your trying to upload them directly from bungie you cant to that
[spoiler] and good map one of the hardest ones i played :P[/
the jump height is messedup supposed to be all the way down but i put it all the way so fix that later update link later tonight ;P
nice to know that there is windows in the outside by some beautiful flowers lOL :P the font at teh top needs some work and you need to make the...
new version of this map posted 4X4 batteship game
SINK on MY BATTLESHIP so basically my map i posted a couple days ago i got the suggestion of making a battleship game so i did :P GAME MUST BE...
NADES on MY FACE [IMG] Just a quick version of this game i made gonna make it better when i get around to it this is a v1 25% zombies dude...
aesthetics 7 IMO 8 i like the design of the map weapons i see that there is a sniper and a rocket just at that one base there is a bunch of power...
ok the first level is easy the man cannon part is just annoying working on the 3rd level found[spoiler] but im tired im goin to bed but maybe...
yop i know you can but it doesnt matter since you would have to do that in the next part :P so i said forget it :P and the tbag teleporter i...
i was looking at some of these on youtube there is some tuts on ther pretty nice looking controllers too like theres some cool tiger ones i saw i...
the middle structure is like a 10 then the outside of the middle structure is like 5 or less prolly do a v.2 and edit the other stuctures the...
they should make like groups in the the thing like messenger has would be cool like you know
its koth the end is where the hill is get back to me wen u play it
not only did you spend time on the map you also spent some time giving =details to the pics from what i see in the pics very nice forging design...
My newest puzzle Fork on spoon pretty easy IMO Pictures [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] report breaks...
prolly one of the easiest puzzles ive played not very challenging imo sorry not many of your own ideas very obvious stuff what to do in each...