No, I just come here for year anniversary. Yesterday.
Protip: Release your maps over time so that they get more exposure individually. Your maps all seem pretty sweet, so its a shame that attention...
I think i am going to petition for you to change your name to 'Draw the Lime'
I love you rainbow kitty make me babies kthx
Omgwtflol. I live like 6km away from DigitalPh33r
B.C. Vancouver, to be exact.
y helo thar
I stepped down, didn't want to be all up in the interviewing thing.
Bungie r sily. It's not cheating, you can make an account whenever you want to, the reason bungie doesn't like it, is because it makes for unfair...
This is madness! Madness? No.... THIS! IS! SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Get used to those words, you will need them.
Good point, however the romance subplot almost made me gag on my own broccoli.
If you make it look pretty, make a few punishing aesthetic pieces, you will win. Creating mass hype before releasing it will only help you. This...
What a wierd place to put the ******. Good job, 4.5/5. My favourite part was the car chase.
Comic Sans MS. We're unlikely to get much practice so you guys have a chance.
No, it's a light-mapping error, like how blackout goes all white with nova, and pen and ink, or how the doors on ghost town dissapear when you put...
I think you just hung around in forge and canvassed the map, didn't you?
This gives me fond memories about Glover for the N64. I like Puzzle games and this looks fun, if difficult.
1) He was talking about the 'Moved Thread' Redirect icon left behind when you move a thread. 2)Iunno, automatically coloured?
Alphalexxy was a co-operation by me and SweenyTodd, I can't remember the 1337 used in his name, but you may want to add that.