The Devil Wears Prada? Oh, and has anyone seen that website that gives you movies/songs/bands based on a certain preference you type in? I forgot...
The website is ****ed up. It doesn't display the emblem for White Squad.
Yeah, Rik Astly. Just so you know in advance, I'm also in my friend's clan, but that isn't HLG. We just play Team Slayer and matchmaking together....
Yeah, sure. I'll your section; White Squad. But I'm only in it for the hiding, I probably won't play any real competitive clan battles.
Beat it with Keith Richards.
About Obama's waste of a trillion dollars on his toxic waste plan...
Stock/render, please.
*My current sig* How can I improve on my work? Stock: [spoiler] And the other stock is the background, which I lost.
Thanks. It's nice. EDIT: Would you mind making the text a little bit bigger? It became really blurry when I uploaded it, and the whole picture...
Unless your preferred style of playing is, "Rush top, grab shotgun, camp for rest of game," you won't like Cubed.
Render/Stock: [spoiler] Text: Quagmire. Color scheme: Make it match my current sig. Besides that, just get creative. Specific Artist: Whales....
it r lyke 5 o clock central and ur lyke not on double-u tee eff
Get on xboxz0rz.
It's not a cheat. It's probably just a glitch they discovered. Or a fake. Plus, those guys invented HLG, so you can't really call them a disgrace....
Oh, I saw that. It's fake. K ILL GET ON LAWLZ
No. Linkkthnx.
Yeah, uh, shouldn't that get this guy an infraction, at least?
It's also pretty funny how this guy only responds to the positive comments and simply ignores the fact that he rips all of "his" work. How about...