Well first you didn't remember me telling you that I have another main gamer tag second you evidently don't remember me telling you that I have a...
If you like cliffside then you should take a look at my newest map cold fusion.
Not bad at all, I downloaded it and think that its a very good remake, weapon placement is good but the sword is a rather dominating weapon for...
To put it right it is asymmetrical because not everything is even,, but I do see a hint of aestetics when viewing the map, nice mixture, when I...
Great aesthetics man,, espically for foundry! I downloaded this map and wrote more than others..Yeah, I downloaded IT!
I agree it does seem like a different side to foundry, at first I thought it may have been a avalanche map. But you can still get outside the...
When writing me a thank you make sure you go to my profile page, I'm just trying to help you out. New commers often get infractions for spamming...
So cool looking! I'm downloading and trying it out, from the pictures the Aestetics are good, and the idea seems halarious, but cool, I'll leave...
I really did download it, and I can prove it, why would I lie. Conkerkid is like my #1 critic.
I guess you really are a stalker if your going to go through all that checking. The best part is you are wrong even with how sure you are.. Maybe...
Doubt it, the only one that has a shot is Cold fusion, but who knows.. I'm cooking something up on sandbox that looks amazing. I really sacrificed...
Omg. It's very rare to see such creativity, I love the jail cells and admit I was stumped and had to see for my self just how you did that. But...
Looks good, and really smart posting on a sunday night, but so many viewers are just looking at you pics and not downloading, I know how...
The fusion shaft is my personal favorite, plus I have so many people raving about it so I am definatly leaving it. I decided I don't think that...
Very nicely put together, I can tell you took your time on the floors, they are such a pain to keep in one spot. I love the theme and dude the...
want to see what 800 hrs looks like check my maps. Ok, for all you noobs out there like Shredded Dreamz, it's not just about the thread, if...
I would say that at this point you and silence have the best floated maps on sandbox.. You should check out my last one Cold Fusion it's pretty...
I downloaded this map a few days ago, and its very well done, close second to Silence's map on sandbox. I'm gonna trump you both though with my...
Thus far your floated map on sandbox is my favorite, I promise mine will send you some compitition. Did you see my last map, Cold Fusion?
Dude, I am going to tell you the truth, I have never made anything as good as the sandbox floated map I'm doing now. Thus far I haven't seen any...