Didnt mean to come off as an A hole just want to share what I thought about it.. It's a great idea for a map, it just really is pointless with the...
Ahh it's escapable, but the best remake I have seen yet, seriously why would you want to escape the maps beautiful.
I actually started a map just like this and found out some of my friends already were going for the idea, I hope you dont think your the first one...
Aaww, you need more pics this looks like it could be interesting.
Not to bad, I think you could have used more object to create cover. I find when I play it I really can't run out with out getting shot. I think...
Like everyone else I am completely impressed.. You really slam dunked this one... The first Sandbox feature.. Defiantly worth it. I am down...
I like this map allot, most (not all) sky-bubble maps are not worth my down load but you have made a great map here, with good playability. Here's...
Oh, can't thank you enough.. I wont let threads or incidents like that happen again.
God dude I feel so stupid, I wasn't sure if you got the message.. My computer's a piece.. So you can do it for me?
Well, I downloaded it and again have to say that aesthetic wise your a rising star, I found a way out though, I don't know if that is something...
Not bad I guess, I downloaded these last night, I like when forgers come out with map packs. But I think that you should take more time on them so...
I like this map but you may want to in some small cheater walls so to keep from falling off. It's annoying when it's right on the death barrier.
Wow, you should rename this map, "geo-merge city." Haha, not only does it appear appealing to the eyes but also supports great playability. Good...
Thanks, yeah I really took a chunk of my life on this one.. I put forever into the power ups as well, to give it an energy feel as you can see if...
Dude, I'm so excited to download, I didn't even know that this was your map, I'm downloading right now, looks like your off the barrier too thats...
Wow, the aesthetics are screaming, I have been seeing allot more of the jail-cells now, I'm actually that uses similar aesthetic ideas(new ideas)....
Wow, looks cool man, I defiantly thought that it was a sandbox map from the name but I understand now after reading your thread that you used all...
Yep, it was my last one, Cold Fusion, I was obsessed with keeping my boxes perfectly merged and straight, + color coated the whole thing. It was...
Color coating questions?
Very cool, I like how you used the small blue pillars as cheater walls so you cant fall off, and the map its self is very well done with the lighting.