Like the map. The map looks great, not too many people have used the main level for good maps yet. It shows just how much one can do with the...
Once again.. Well Val, once again I'd like to congradulate you on the best floated map to date. I am seriously excited to see what you can whip...
I have no idea who that is. nor do I have any idea how to do that. sorry .. I dont really know what the high ark is why would i appease it.
Looks cool, I like that name. Reminds me of the fortress of Solitude.
Dude, seriously I dont want to make another enemy on forge hub. So I am sorry for how ever I affended you, and hope to leave it at that.
I'm not mean, and if you really think my maps suck thats your opinion. I know hundreds of people would say otherwise.
Interesting concept, seem like you would have had a lot more room, and plenty more objects if you had made it farther back beond the barrier, but...
Looks, pretty good from the pics. I especially like it because it's floated on Avalanche. I feel like people are going to start forgeting how...
Seriously, if this is featured I quit forge hub... no.. but you both think you can just start floating maps on sanbox and because your leaders...
Dude, I should talk trash for the lack of correct gametype spawns or the fact that nothing is merged, or just the fact that your trying to make a...
Looks cool, I was actually working on a map above ghost town, but looks like you beat me to the punch. I hope you know its possible to put spawns...
I cant wait for you to see my next map.. Even you will be jaw dropped, and I'm taking extreme time on it. I think it will be almost perfect with...
Dude! the map I have been working on off line is going to be better than anything people have ever seen as far as floated maps are concerned. I...
Looks cool, I love anything outside the original maps.
Looks cool, I really like the pictures.. You should do well with this map I think.