ya im 12 lol 6th grade advanced student and skilled author
it's outside not as dark
Nice pic. I've seen this b4 and I'm sure you didn't make it.
Im not aloud to go on utube anymor dun no y
Wow Epitaph! Thoughts outside of the box like the ones you've presented, are a break from the norm.Very original, on a final note. 8.5/10
Question: What gametype(s) does this support? I suggest more interlocking, as others here @ FH may nag. Looks intresting, I'll dl and give it a try.
The maps that I'm working on (In my sig)
This map reminds me of purple bunker, same except not KOTH, Infection;like assumed. EDIT: Sorry I noticed you can play purple bunker's gametype. I...
Just say no to armories! "Gunshop" is code for "Weapons spread at random" High amounts of weapons lead to humans camping and having an overall...
look @ my new sig, Itz Spoilerific!
No I'm cerial send me music
send me music over hotmail lawlz
Mudkipsrleet sucks hes my other account VV Your friend Landon
This Link Dude
^^Click that word I copy-pasted the link and it exchanged it for that word
You changed my sig "Grif:Make your maind up already!"
This names uber I got a username generator to make it
again lololololololololol last name change i rather like this one
Naw sounded like you... younger than 17 Send me FR @ LIL LOTIS POD