Yes I r
WTF to my new name or WTF to what pancakes called me?
*Sniff Sniff* But I am Quizzical_ spark of coarse!
check out what pancakes called me yesterday (my sig)
idk sorry
Hi Fr1c
A few changes to Vallhalla, not many though; Try adding more? 3/5
Cool, a break from DLC! I suggest you replace one Shotty, as camping may follow 3.5/5
Go back to my thread I fixed it
Alot of objects just thrown down here and there S'kay, not great though 3/5
A bit too grey for my taste
can i join the map brekers guild?
This map is pretty small i was thinking 1v1 or 2v2 Your best bet is to remove some of the power weapons, probably replace them with something weaker
Compliment, flippingboxes and bridges over makes a map look better
Wow...may I say worst pic evar Damn copy-pasters
Ur gettin reconz? Coolzorz.
Passenger: Upside down? Driver:yep Heres another: Passenger:Damn theater, froze time
3rd pic: woah reconz Ok, I'm not sayind theyre horrible there not great though
This looks like something Bungie would make. I suggest flipping ur Single & duble boxes The bridges as well 3/5
Looks like you saw the industries feature and deleted 1/4 of Foundry, the filed some boxes and did teh interlox. Very similar, extended rocket...