Asthetically pleasing, refering to the streetlights and overpasses in the city proportions of the map. Still there are many other asthetics that...
I'm not much up to playing a chaos-filled map full of the map's every weapon. Below average; not to upset you, but I'm not sure i'll Download...
Intresting name and description, a few more pictures would help, if possible. I'm thinking Team Doubles only one question, does the flamethrower...
Yes sir I'm sorry for what I've said, as I have slight anger issues.
meh, idk the names never seem to stick
BTW iM COMPLETELY MATURE dont nega-rep me for that! Jesus dude first my rep's up two bars now u brought it back down jerk
Nah had the name changed cmon guys both FH and XBL PLeas? need teh namezorz such a geek
You've probably all know me old name was Ish, from my Name Generator threads.But my gamertag name is LIL LOTIS POD.The names I come up with never...
Taru is Tartaru race from Final Fantasy XI Bard is my favorite magic class
you told me ish was gay!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a creative idea! This is originality at peak height, as you do not see such ideas as these very often.I like the decorative swords and...
Sword arena, eh? If you made this quickly wed like to see wait you can do long term. Why is there a flag? >Please reply 2.5/5, keep forging
racoons cant snip!
im epic winsauce!
One bright day in the middle of the night Two dead men stood up to fight Back to back they faced each other Drew their swords and shot each other...
Want to make a map