[color=orange]A while back I saw people talking about an elevator on foundry, and set out to make one. It is based off of the same system as the...
[color=orange]Just watch... 6iqARzxWtm8
[color=orange]Don't get all 'OMG I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD, DONT POST THIS ****' because I don't believe in him either, but I love this song. I hope...
[color=orange]I'm sure you've all heard the numa numa song.. But what about this one? KfEE_nYehZ8
[color=orange]Just as Nitrous posted when we had 1000 members.. here's 3000!! A month after Forgehub was founded was when Nitrous posted the...
[color=orange]Bungie's trying to hint at the new maps, and they did say they might bring back some classics... This is where you post what maps...
[color=orange]I just finished watching X-Play: Best games of 2007 and the Nominees for Game of the year are above. Before they told me what the...
[color=orange]NOTE: I dont know if this belongs in off topic or not, but if its in the wrong place please move it. Anyway, I got bored and made...
LMAO, Some banned commercials I found while browsing youtube. You will laugh!! Funny Stuff ----- HERE & HERE
I want to know what everyone at Forgehub likes to play. I mean my first map was a total failure, and I would like to know what you guys like to...
I'm thinking about making a map that includes a ball (Yea, I knew it, you're all running now and no one wants to help) but I dont think it seems...
Homeland is my first map ever (besides a soccer map, but I just did what Bungie did) and I hope you like it. Its a 100% symmetrical map made for...