SKRILLEX - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites - YouTube I wanna see how many negative votes I can get.
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but that's kind of the point, that they would remove extraneous support for certain features to...
i think the main point of his argument is to at least give a feel that everything has a purpose and is not completely aesthetic. Whether or not...
I'm pretty sure I heard that 343 took every option out of grifball to reduce lag. That would mean no spawning with weapons other than energy sword...
hmm. I just got a message from Pib saying that he wants me to delete the list so you can maintain it. I don't really see the problem with mine,...
really? even in slayer?
I feel like they want to make the guy who drives the warthog have the same amount of points as the gunner at the end of the match, which is a fair...
yeah, that was hilarious.
yeah, and he doesn't even sound epic like in reach. I remember I cracked up the first time I heard him say "BAWMB TAKEN"
I feel like, despite the fact that this game is 5 years in the making, they still managed to rush it.
If only it was so easy to kill hunters with grenades.
God, where is the bulletin when you need it? amirite?
oh, cool. glad to see you hate the game. Now you can save $60 not buying it, right?
as hilarious as that is, he actually took that pretty well, I must say.
yeah, but when? it's thursday.
It's called an asymm objective map. you know, like high ground. 1-flag? asymm territories? that thing.
wasn't there supposed to be a bulletin?
soo... many... livestreams. EDIT: 343 posts!
yeah, but that's not a day - 1 patch thing. it's mainly just killcams and sword sound effects
Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die - Page 37 - NeoGAF mainly stuff like buggy killcams