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don't vehicles/weapons count as forge pieces like everything else? if they release a new forge map, I think it would be just as easy as anything...
well, I guess I might as well, if anyone has the pulse skin, I'd be happy to give them the venerator raptor skin for it swat playlist... yet
there would be a 2/3 chance of rockets and 1/3 chance of sniper, so yes.
25. Something we can really look forward to.
well, it was originally supposed to be 4 15-minute videos, but it ended up being 5 17 or 18 minute long videos. The extended version is ninety...
Alright. Let's mak his absolutely clear. Just for the lols, for the sake of having a vertical map with a bunch of really thin walkways, just to...
Is anyone else worried about the skins in halo 4? I don't think you'll be able to pull off many themes. As monotonous as gray was, it did make...
well, he said he can't maintain the list because he has to go to college or something, so I made one.
here is the reach thread. I don't believe there is a Halo 3 thread, though.
lol. I didn't notice that. thanks for letting me know :)
I stubbed my toe on my jaw when I saw that.
Here you go.
lol. Anyway, I'm wondering how turning into a flood in any game mode works and if you'll be able to carry weapons other than the flood claw. I...
could you quickly test to see if sticky detonators bounce off shield doors like plasma launchers do?
okay, well thanks, man! I really appreciate the time you're taking to answer all these question!
yay:) and 90 degree rotation snap? does that do the glitch where it turns 180 dergees instead of 90 over and over again?
How is the edit coordinates? is the yaw rotating in relation to the piece instead of the world like in reach?
Not really, I mean besides spitters and using gravity hammers for zombie "tanks", swords were really the only weapon the infected carried....