so, basically what I said minus zealot?
aha thanks :)
I mainly use the shotgun when I'm in DMR duels that are going nowhere. Once we start gravitating towards each other, I pull out my shotgun and...
are you sure? I seem to recall that it is the exact opposite. BTB generally has around 35,000 and 4v4 generally has around 25,000
well, that's what happens when you appeal to so many new, unloyal players, and tell the normally loyal, previous halo players to **** off.
would a completely stripped-down dominion work the same?
I think you can also use similar mechanics to spawn in items as well, which could be useful for building bridges to the next phase, or just...
well, you might want to set the spawn time to 1. I'd also suggest trying the same thing with golf balls. I think they might be able to do this for...
That may be a good powerup idea, but as far as armor abilities go, messing with players ability to damage people is never a great idea for you to...
makes me wonder how it'll be backwards compatible
keep in mind that the X360 only has 512 MB of ram. Don't forget how well console developers use their ram, though.
I'm sure you could accomplish it somehow with respawn zones that spawn in after a certain period of time. I'm not the person you should be asking...
I know how you can get around one honor rule: you can set a trait zone to have no vehicle usage, and set the team to blue. that way only the...
I sent this as a pm to bs angel. I encourage you all to do the same.
yeah, your gameplay is shitty. It's not fun to watch, and of all game plays you could have posted, I don't see why you chose to post a boring...
I heard a guy managed to do this by using a flash drive somehow, but yo'll have to seach it or something if you actually want to do it.
looks cool! I really like the way infantry and vehicles interact. It reminds me a lot of asphalt. EDIT: I guess god of grunge was thinking that too.
I remember the time I wasted all my ammo repeatedly trying to headshot them. I killed one. There were five.
then how is 343 allowed to give us forced resupply in slayer pro?
God damn, get your **** together, 343!