amazing map very hard thought i always fall off
how do i fiz them i have the code off photobucket put in and everything but they still wont show
thats really cool cant wait to play it
very cool map well done on getting it featured
yeh really cool map very good interlocking , its definitely the best ive seen
hey this map looks absolutely amazing ima DL it this second ps : how long did it take to make this
map setting: foundry map name : KAMIKAZE! map type: racetrack gametype: any/apart from vip description: jump up a ramp left turn , up the ramp...
it looks pretty cool ill DL it and see what its like
yeh this is much better than rugby , but like someone said its annoyin when people lunge with swords and shoot with guns
lol i have seen loads of people with this map which means its gotten pretty famous i hav seen a version called bartletts manor and another call...
its really cool good job and good use of interlocking
i know im not a mod or anything but please refrain from multi posting i will message somebody about this
pretty cool the body [ middle ] isnt too good
hey , memakemaps you posted this map on forgeguide didnt you, its so cool this map
so cool its absolutely giant
really cool map love it
it would be a good 1 flag or 1 bomb map
looks really cool nice interlocking
pretty cool but its not the first giant robot/creature thing like that someones made , there getting pretty old now
its quite good but i dont like the roadblocks