I think were all REACHing here, pun definitely intended. I think we need to review a good point, the whole time you play the campaign from the...
I loved this map in Halo 3 It was the best flags map around. I downloaded this and it is truly the best remake of this I've seen. I think MLG is...
FEATURE!!!! Thanks for the help on topside, can you do a write-up when your done I would but I can't seem to get the image embedding right. I had...
Ok so I built an arena style CTF map and I spent a lot of time so far building and testing but the problem is players keep spawning on the wrong...
Finally!!! Sir you are a godsend! I can tell you have taken your time designing,forging, and testing this map. It was time well spent! As soon as...
I like the idea of opening up the training, I don't really enjoy the one ways because it feels like the lift should be playable, ie. I could shoot...
Well as far as remakes go this one takes the cake for me! I loved HeH and this is a perfect remake it can't get any closer without it being the...
The whole Halo story is a metaphor for the stories of the bible, and of Jesus. I don't have the time to explain it all right now but if you go to...
Exactly, Ill admit I did some cR boosting but that in no way has made me a better Halo player. I just wanted to unlock the armor because it looks...
I'm diggin' it man, Very visually pleasing, nice flow and the verticals are def reminiscent of Construct, I enjoyed this very much, but the top...
Well someone is quite full of themselves huh starcrusher? As for Mitigate, It is simple. Which is what makes it good. The Pit was simple but it...
Well fix the bridge, and the weapons or don't call it a remake. Reserved for repairs lol
No I don't think you understand what he meant. Here are our rules. Forge Hub - Forum Rules You need pictures or a video or this will be locked.
You really need pictures or this is gonna get deleted or locked. Here is a link to the forum rules on posting. Forge Hub - Forum Rules You...
Dude this is good but i hate to be the one to tell you that everyone and their mother have remade this one, including me! I remade mine the day...
I like a few maps including ones that are on the list such as Leviathan, but one that really stuck out is Flight....
Oh definitely I am actually nominating this right now lol. I played some MLG FFA, and a couple MLG TS 2v2's and everyone was like "WOW this is...
Haha Neither do you! Your map is ok, I don't think its matchmaking good, but its nice for customs, If you do enter it though I don't see how it...
I just did a walkthrough on forge and this is a veritable masterpiece. Kudos, I have been trying to make a map that captures the essence of Amp...
I'm glad someone finally remade this map. It was def a community favorite in H3 and with the new engine this map is a completely different beast,...