You're right. especially since everyone spawns together.
Hackers. Although you could place explosives in their camping spots on forge. Hidden somewhere, obviously, but close to injure or kill.
"IMA SWINGING MAI HAMMER!!!11!!!1" "Beat Down!"
The World's Hardest Game. Play it on Miniclip.
Quick Question. Is this suppossed to be uncheatable? I've managed to cheat on it.
World's Hardest Game 2.
See? This guy appreciates this awesome map. Awesome. Sure, guardian is immpossibly difficult to make a race map on, but that's the point.
Hav'nt noticed that's the idea?
Get rid of the bases for an asethestic map. Or comepetivtive with them. Maybe a V2.0 that shoots fusion coils at enemy aircraft?... P.S I...
What are the chances? I just posted on the other Guardian map by Vapour Knuckles. Anyways, I congratulate you. The only person (probably) on...
I'm sorry, but how CAN'T you appreciate this map?! This is the only race map I've ever seen on Guardian (and, probably, the only). Vapour...
Sir, I have awarded you... The Internet! This track is so awesome I would give you the internet. If i was Bill Gates. Anyways... Awesome...
You're right. It's a Forklift.
And no one else has noticed the pig face on the Rock formation?
"You could've had a V8." "Oh look, it's the Internet." *Red Guy* "Don't worry guys, I got a gun!" *Team* "Crap. Keep him away from the...
*Smashes keyboard infrustation of internet not loading fast enough so i can get this map* I've seen plenty of awesome maps on Forgehub. This, my...
this map looks good, espesically for a first timer on Forgehub. 9/10 for map
*Attempts to download all* :angry: *Too many maps :(
Only the people who take the game WAY too far