The new map pack has been confirmed at IGN for 1200 Microsoft points. Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Details, Pricing - Xbox 360 News at IGN...
Tier 3 perk Juggler: Description: When picking up a grenade off the ground and throwing it, its cooking time resets. Pro Bonus: Larger radius...
I want MP5 back!
must not look at thread to much ME2 spoilers... btw ME1 squad AI is ****ing retarded might as well use them as shields, distractions, or cover......
I use Intervention more often than the Barret but I've found quick scoping with a acog on Barret pretty good. For reliability i would use the...
Flagtacular: Win a match of Capture the Flag, scoring all your teams points. Mass murderer: Kill every member in the enemy team at least twice...
It should be the same as the normal jackal shield. Resistant to bullet damage but weak against plasma, explosive, and melee attacks.
Warcraft III: TFT
I heard if people report your GT enough you can change it for free. Is this true? I wanna change mine to orange juice
True, but they are the master at close quarters Is it a Pearl Havoc? I think i have got one aswell
Gold Playthrough 2 Shotgun: Hunters Bull Dog DMG: Around 80 to 150 times cant remember. ROF: decent for a shotgun maybe 3 bullets per second...
pok'emon crystal, red, yellow, blue, gold, and silver. Also Mario 64. Oh just remembered super mario world and Yoshi's world.
NO way i just left a game of 19 player TDM in MW2 where half the enemy's team was noob tubing...
I started playing this a couple of days ago and i think its quite good actually. Two things i noticed was out of all the matches i played no one...
Name: Rush Kills: 5 Effect: Fire rate, movement speed, reload Speed, obstacle climbing speed, capturing speed, weapon switching speed, health...
At least one Close quarters map with out intense spawn killing (like an indoor building with lots of rooms) And maybe some new game modes for...
If you noticed he said "inspired" not complete remake. _____________________________________________________________________ I think the car...
Bungie announced a couple days ago that the ammo count wont be in the final game because that was an old beta build with undiscussed decisions and...
Back then i wouldn't dare play any flood missions unless I was playing with my brother, I would just repeat like the first four levels over and over.
It looks like the best BR arena yet, I have seen a few shitty ones before on foundry but its kind of hard to see the complete layout of the...