Finally Flem came out with another Forge 101 clip.But they skipped 9-11.But who cares its about Interlocking!! Now maybe we can get all the...
Well I haven't mad a map/forged in a while due to lack of ideas and lazy-ness.But I've seen alot of people who have forge buddies or forge...
This kid is hilariously funny.He should have his own TV show. YouTube - Fred Goes Swimming Funniest part is when he sees the shark and...
Well since around the discvery of telescopes humans have wnated to explore space.It was never possible until July 20, 1969 when neil armstrong...
I screwed up on my last debate so I want to make it up by starting a HUGE debate. First I'll give my word on smoking and then some scientifical...
Ok.I'll make a symetrical map.Put one here.... [img] Ok now the other side.Wait WTF????? [img] It won't fit!! [img] I found out that foundry is...
The Un-Oficcial Campaign Help Group A.K.A.(U.C.H.) [IMG] Speacial thanks to Pwncakes for making this picture without me =) Well lately... Ok now I really need to kill myself.
All of a sudden I heard this song in my head.Please save me its frank sinatra I don't know what to do.Soon I might start tap dancing.HELP...
They brought it out guys!!!This season is getting better already with only 3 videos!!
Omg I just foudn this perosn ,and his videos are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY.Omg I don't know if thats his voice or not but still its hilarious.Heres all...
This has to be the meanest but the funniest thing I have ever seen on the internet.The funniest part is when the kid starts hitting the computer....
omg i just fixed my red rings i can go on!!!!! im fudging shaking right now so im proablly typing bad but omg i cant beilive i did it its so...
As some of you may know i have gotten the RRoD.It sucks really bad and it likes boys so i was searching youtube about it and found that many...
Alright guys well i came home from school today nd watched TV for about an hour or so.Then i came upstairs and turned on my 360.Instead of the...
Ok guys fisrt off i know i should have posted this in the forging 101 in interlocking.But this would be helpful to new members making a map and im...
Boo Boo Boo Bee. Forge .*thought* Omg i got this whole map planned out its gunna be sick a circle arena with houses in the corner both sides will...
Hye guys ive been kinda looking for the foundry unlimited budget glitch with everything out of the map could someone post the link to it here it...
XCALATED Well this is my first map so comment and tell me anyhting i need to fix or you would like to change. Download HERE Supported gametypes...
Just made my first u like it?