Bloo Jay gave me an infraction for my comment speaking out against this offensive material which is clearly as against the forum rules. I guess...
Not spam. It's how I feel about the map and If the design is offensive it's valid feed back. People give lots of reasons they don't like maps, and...
Man, that didn't take long. I am hoping the infrequency of the ball spawn, the high speed of the ball, and the short duration of the ball on...
Jane discovers getting fitted for her first training bra was not going to be a pleasant experience...
Thank you all for your interest! Frozenlynx, I was concerned about lag, but in the games I have played, the kill ball didn't seem to cause me any...
I just played around on this and it looks amazing! How you got the spiral ramps to line up so well is just a terrific feat. I can never get those...
Okay I finally released a preview thread on my map concept. You can find it here. I tried to make it interesting and tasteful as I could. What...
So... much... antici.........pation! This has been a fun contest! Thanks again for your hard work Frozenlynx! I know you guys are doing your best...
Hello fellow forgers! TallT66 with yet another map preview! I raised the question in another thread about taking kill balls seriously in...
Thank you, I have learned something today! I have never noticed the recent screenshots page before. I think photobucket is reducing my image sizes...
Thanks physcopirahna6, this simple map has been a surprising favorite of mine already. This map started as me just goofing around with the bridge....
I ran across a map today made by Frenchy's named... Tha Balade Of Queen Bee And baby Duck...
Thanks for the complement on my map! I suppose an "all natural" version of Creek Crossing could easily be made by deleting the bridge and using a...
My wife was sitting beside me when I pulled up the screen shots of this map and told her you remade rainbow road from one of her favorite games,...
My map Creek Crossing is almost entirely natural geometry, aside from one very small bridge. Right now it's a map preview but I hope to have it...
Nice to make a friend :) Thanks for the request!
Games are for people to have fun. I would never enjoy the act of killing a child, real or fictitious. Are we so out of ideas for games that we...
How on earth did you come up with that name?! lol The architecture of this looks very solid, very forerunner. I like! Will download, if for any...
I've seen this game type done before. It's a great mini game that my friends always end up requesting on our weekly game night. I like the...
Blaze, you end up making some of the most interesting maps. I think the covey cover pieces look great that way. The grid skylight is new too, I...