Do you actually have to finish the campaign level to be on the leaderboard or can you just start and quit? I assume you have to finish the level tho
Regarding the sniper, I assume you mean that you can take the lift right after it? Cause Goat said in the video that the lift won't be in the...
The idea of the contest was more to give forgers some more motivation to finish their maps. Also for the Onslaught comment, Foundry was the first...
Ridge has already been posted in the map section. Has an unique layout, although again the map really looks like a forge map. What about having a...
I wouldn't mind seeing Orion and Complexion being pushed, I'm only afraid that most people won't like them based on their appearance as they...
Finished the layout of my first 1v1 map. Gotta say that building 1v1 maps is really fun to do. I also already have the next idea ready in my head...
I would like to have a map ready before season two starts, any idea when season 2 starts or season 1 ends?
Obi Wai kenobi Might be online tomorrow all day, so let me know if any customs will be going on then. :)
Although the darkness is annoying for the beginning of the match, I don't think it is too bad overall. It's not like the map turns dark to bright...
As many maps as I'd like huh.. Would prefer one per person though, I assume that one cannot win each of the top 3 prizes then even though his maps...
Two per map then though, you gotta keep it fair for each player.
More like a re-imagination of guardian/lockout/blackout. Salem III aka my Halcyon type map needs some redesigning/scaling. Edit: it actually has...
Here are a couple of pics of what I have been working on. Note though, lots of rocks will be removed probably [IMG] [IMG]
And just when you think you have seen enough ****, you step in another giant turd.
So I am forging a map on Awash and could someone be so kind to explain to my why the lighting on my map is ****ed up for the first 30 seconds or...
Thanks for the tip, will use a grid now then. :)
So my problem in Halo 4 was that my maps turned out to be too small for 4v4, because of sprint. I have adjusted my building style to that style of...
Ooh, I really like that one. Nice one, kind of reminds me of epitaph in a way.
Looks like you can color the primary and secondary parts of an object. Look at Pokephile's video for more info
That is very unfortunate, however Awash was the most appealing to me out of the three. Nebula reminded me of Impact and I hated to forge on that...