Okay before you do anything play this song: YouTube - Halo: Combat Evolved OST - Under Cover of Night Okay now onto the map: Vegst Ghan...
It's nice and all. But I'd like to see more use of non-default buildings, and more interesting strtuctures etc. It just looks very plain and...
The map has been updated and it is in my fileshare now. Fixed the rock cheat, spawns, added a banshee on the third tier, and humans have a...
Cant wait to play this, invasion is the next big thing. I love the backstory and the aesthetics such as that structure on the cliff with the...
I love the aesthetics and that big window. It reminds me a lot of colossull from halo 2. I would replace those wall doubles with bigger, more...
It would be much appreciated if anyone would tell me some flaws such as escaping, or spawns. Ill get to fixing them asap,
Yeah theres not much cover, and the structures are very basic. I like the floating bridges and the basic structures. I would suggest putting some...
Do you mean you can jump past the one way shield?
I will update this map when I can, (which is on sunday.) With better spawn work and more health packs and cover. etc And also it isn't very hard...
This is an invasion map. The backstory is that theres basicly an area on a halo installation that has lots of satelite dishes. They retrieve...
Check out the updated version here This is an invasion map. The backstory is that theres basicly an area on a halo installation that has lots of...
I have an invasion map made, but I can't firgure out how to place the area where you take the core. Anybody know how to do it?
Just to start out, I am not usually into team forges. But me and a few friends have been discussing a team forge upon release that we will make. I...
This is a very fun map. The forging isn't amazing, but it is very good. As I walked around the map, I noticed that it is an almost exact remake of...
yeah I'm either doing this or coud city, or both. probably both though. ARe you talking about the one on swbf1 where there were 2 dishes on each...
Basicly, Im going to create star wars battlefront 2's kamino. It will be nearly identical, but with a few placed weapons, and maybe a falcon or...
This is very very very plain. Nothing but a slab in the corner, and a funbox. It wont be very fun camping in the "warehouse" and killing zombies...
The gameplay is amazing, one of the best infection maps i've played on, I dont know why but I just love the back part with the walkways and the...
ther was no sarcasm inteded, I was backing it up. Also i dont remember who it was, but someone said that the reciever will always put you in the...
Yes exactly my point, you can see it in forge. Hopefully not in the custom game cuz it would ruin this whole idea