Well, whatever you did, it has the best editing I have ever seen.
A sliver of light in the ever expanding darkness. It put a smile on my face in my mourning of the retired playlist.
You need to embed your pictures, we can't see them. And for most people no pics = no dl
Yeah, some armor behaves funny, and the way that is sure to get you the armor is to get all of teh achievements. My EOD armor was glitched and I...
I dunno, maybe get all the normal achievements, that is a sure fire way to get it.
Funny, can I haz your cookiez?
Okay, then your armor is probably glitched like the elite commando armor was.
Here is what he means. Is a sharp stick in the eye fun? No. Therefore, Rocket FFA is as fun as getting stick in the eye, which is not fun at all...
Wait, have you got the achievement Orpheus? That was the achievement that gave me security shoulders.
Those, overkill, mongoose mowdown, and steppin razor continue to elude my grasp.
Yeah, that happended with my security shoulders a while ago, but you can view my Bungie profile and I am wearing the katana and I don't have the...
Yes i agree, but my favorite characer in the Halo series would be Srgt. Johnson. He is epic LOL.
They are both still achieveable when you reach 1000 GS because I got them and I don't have all of the original achievements.
Looks like a great mini-game. Nowadays, it is as if everyone accepts mini-games since there is a shortage of them, but again a great map. My...
Creepiest Guy Here = Dragoncoals Look here for the thread.
Yeah, the rednek warthog is only funny the first three times you see it, like those recon pictures where they say if you forward it to 50 people...
worst necro post I have seen in forever, I see that you are new and you should read the rules before posting
Looks great, although, it looks as if some of the walls are a tad uneven. I will download and give you a formal review later.
I agree, I say mongeese just as goose becomes geese.
Welcome to forgehub, I hope you have a great time here. <FIRST POST>