Since this is an Invasion map could you detail each phase for us? That usually helps you get downloads if people know what they are trying to...
Been waiting for this since the preview of the map and I am blown away. I LOVE the debris area you added which not only looks great but really...
Thank you for posting this. I loved my brief time with the map a couple weeks ago when you had some people helping you test the map. My only...
I actually wouldn't worry about a blue team in the water, I haven't really noticed any issues stemming from it.
Great map, but one question: why Red and Green? I don't see any reason for it and it could cause confusion for some players and might make...
I have to disagree here. Also this may be one of the first time I have ever heard of better graphics being a bad thing.
Your post isn't up to standards. Please add pictures to your post or it will be locked....
I know it says pictures pending but you need to post those with your map from the beginning or you risk it being locked.
Nah I mean the shields that represent the glass. I know this is a tricky one to handle since Goldeneye had glass that was breakable but I would...
Wow that comment makes me feel old. I remember Goldeneye on my N64 VERY well. Anyways how do the shields work?
Pictures need to be embedded.
Generally what I see (and I think is what you are supposed to do) is update the main page with a V2 and bump the thread with an announcement that...
I really can't wait for CTF, Assault and the like to be added to this map. It's just screaming for it.
Guys come on and relax and just talk about the map, sheesh. On topic the map looks great. Is there any shot in the dark of getting traditional...
I think I'm going to check this one out just because it feels so unique. It's in a largely unused portion of Forge World and...well...if I don't...
Hey I was just on this map like 5 minutes ago. Definitely a great map and I like the changes you made in certain spots to smooth out the map.
Very happy to hear One Bomb got added. Don't ask why but when I first saw this map it was the first thing that came to my mind so great to see it.
Thank you for linking this map in your sig because I would have missed it. I love the looks of the map and the layout. Sure trees have been done...
Wow, I was floored by the spitting serpent thing. One of the single most creative ideas I've seen in a Forge map so far. Like others have said I...
Hey man, you need to post some pictures of your map or the thread will get locked.