I actually caught a glimpse of the Chasm level from Doom II when I looked at this. Looks very cool.
I've seen a lot of water maps but this one looks pretty good. The rock formations are pretty unique and I can definitely see the Guardian...
So I was checking out Bungie.net just now and they have this new website called Rate My Spartan. It's basically a "hot or not" website for your...
I am so glad to see this officially posted here. I had the thread saved over at bungie.net and have been waiting for a final release. Kudos for...
Looks awesome. I'd be interesting in helping you test this more if you need it. The only thing I worry about is the water. Not that it's bad or...
Yea this definitely belongs in the Casual Map section. Either way this looks very cool for a sniper map. Could probably pass for a fun map for...
I've been sold on maps Bows is involved with since Pavilion so getting this is a no-brainer. I love BTB maps and this just looks awesome. Is...
Looks like a risk/reward for trying to get the Rockets. I love the aesthetics on this map though. Something about it feels very Halo CE to me,...
When I saw the thread I was like "what in the world is this?" Then I read the thread, checked the pictures, and looked at the explanation...holy...
Map looks pretty cool. For some reason as I looked through the pictures I couldn't help but think that this track reminds me of playing Super...
At first I was unsure about this but the video really sold me on it. I absolutely love the man cannon set up with what I'm guessing is shield...
Looks awesome, nice use of the natural terrain too. Like the guy above me my interest was sparked when I saw the preview thread. Random...
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. I guess I never came across this map enough in MM to remember the name change lol.
Isn't it Epitaph? But that's just being nit picky. I really like the look of this map, and since I am one for the little things I do like the...
The best part was how at any moment it could have turned into a spectacular failure but you guys held it together.
Wow, this makes me want to fire up CS:S again haha. Aesthetics are better than I could have imagined when I clicked on the link, the only thing...
Set it up for One-Bomb and set the bomb spawn at Blue (I think) and two plant locations at sites A and B. The only reason I said "I think" to...
Loved playing this map when you were testing it. The layout really played out very well. Great choice with the concussion rifle to offset the sword.
lol I was rocking out to the music while reading and look at the pictures. Took me way back. I guessing that 1 lap in Race mode is when you...
haha I totally saw this on the Fails of the Week last Friday. Nice Edit: Ok maybe I didn't. I just watched them and it wasn't there...but I...