That was a waste of my life. Let's see: 48 seconds+12 for getting to it+5 for wind resistence=ummm, well a long time. No, jk, it was ok. I'm gonna...
Definitely the last is my favorite, becuse the mask just looks awesome, not even because it's recon.
I smiled a little bit at the second one, but I started laughing a bunch at the third. The first wasn't really that funny though.
I got a 10, then I felt bad, so I took it again and got a 90. How did I do it?
This good, but not that original. There have been gold spartan pics before, but the gold sword is new. 3.5/5
Looks really cool, but seems more for aesthetics than gameplay, but that's why it's in casual maps. (Hope i spelled aesthetics right.) Must have...
Name: Meteor Nade Description: Sticks to first surface it touches and meteors strike down there.(I got it from a weapon off Destroy All Humans 2)...
Lol, it kinda looks like he stole the skull from her pocket. Too bad her pockets aren't big enough.
That was great. I would hate to work at that hospital.
I would have to say when objects are geomerged for no particular reason. It's ok if they're supposed to be something, then that's ok, but...
Of course. I thought someone might do this. Why would you edit your picture and then say it's your armor? It's not like you're a visionary and...
McCain, if I could vote, mostly because of his economic plan. I think the trickle-down plan would work better than to tax richer people more.
Good pic, 4.5/5. I personally don't really like it, because it's an elite and the armor effect, but it is very well made.
Really good map. I love the geomerging, because I can never seem to be able to do it. The main structure is very well made, and I give a 5/5.
I like how you took it in campaign. Makes it easier to get a good explosion from the scarab. 5/5
Good job. The pictures by themselves wouldn't be very good, but your explanation makes them funny. 5/5
It's ok, but there are no effects. Also, they are in no cool pose, they're just standing there. 2/5
Really good. I like how your player is dark and the fire looks great. 4/5
I also like the last one the best. These are all pretty good, but for some reason I don't like numero uno. 7.5/10.
If anyone has a link to a video explaining this, please, post it, because those directions were pretty confusing.