That was ok, I guess. Whatever floats your boat.
Wasn't bad, across all of foundry, and it was ranked.
Cool effect & background. The onlty thing is that he doesn't really look like he's praying. 4/5
Flag cap is definitely the best. The others are ok, but can't match it.
Must have taken so long to make. I wouldn't even imagine trying something like this.
Hilarious, nice find. I can't believe I've never heard of this.
Cool looking ship, 4.5/5, I guess I might dl when I have room.
Congratz. I tried to do this, but my friend never wanted me to, so I only got about 100 seconds.
Well, that's pretty messed up, is there anyone here that's a psychologist? But for the map idea, I really don't think it's a good idea. In Team...
I wish they would make gold free, but they would get a lot less money from people. And I mean A LOT.
If they made a variant of Valhalla without man cannons, I really don't think I'd like it, but who knows.
I really don't get why they made achievements that you have to have maps that aren't even out yet to get them. It's pretty dumb.
I guess I'll check it out, but the above comments don't sound like it's that good.
The first week of COD4 for me was horrible like that, until I found out how to mute people.
Okay montage, but the music isn't the best in my book. Plus, the title is pretty stupid. I wouldn't want someone to make fun of me everyime I...
Well, ummm, I can't reply. How come every 2 minutes I get Rick Rolled?
****, i hate getting Rick Rolled. I always feel like an idiot.
These are okay, the stick figure movie or whatever it's called was good. I saw it in like 6th grade.
Wtf? I don't get it. All the commercials I see for this, she keeps her shirt on the whole time.
Crazy, spends way too much time doing this.