lol i remember my first day of dead rising.. holy ****!!! id fear ever1 wud tern in2 zombies and beat te crap out of me! i was only comfterable...
hey thanks btw can u send me a link to where u got the wepons on bungie?
nice profile pic!
maybe next dont put power weapons so close to eachother. and custom powerup needs to have an equal opponent. such as rockets or plasma pistol.
u happy now i fixed forest? u guys r babies "OMFG! hole in the wall or gound 1/10!!!!!" and thats in like every post in this forum
wow since bungie day ive seen like 3 people with recon.. thats like 3 in 6 days! ya and odst will defeat the purpose of recon so every1 will hav...
not necessarily.... aesthetics cant really effect gameplay on a map. the map is what makes itself play good. and it also does effect cuz if its...
all u have to do is have a good imagination ... try to think of something none has ever thought of. unique and that will still have good gameplay
hey can u please tell me how u did that map layout weapon thingy in ur map 'walled in'?
nice map. u may want to make the middle part bigger and put a wall under the overshield. weapons? please put more info in ur threads.
But wait theres more! ............... not really LOL! those were actually good clips in jokin manor
can u guys tell me what places i should fix for the grenades to fall through? and these weapons are the exact same as mlg guardian. i no theres...
ive played it and it is clean and it doesnt have to be "perfect". if u download it u might change ur mind
Guardian B.C. [IMG] Made by: KILLn Machine12 and FB PHILTROCITY Recommended players: 2-8 Supported gametypes: mlg ts v6 mlg team oddball v6...
mmm. might wanna change the sniper tower to make it play better...ull wanna keep the same amount of power weapons becuz its a big map with...
u should think about changing the rocket spawn somewhere else . maybe to open maybe higher spot that can have an escape route.
every map isnt perfect. they have theyre ups and downs .. this one is too many power weapons.ok?
agreed ya i was thinking about that WEEGS, i was thinking about overlapping the letters with the same weapons, upside down if u no what i mean....
ya i saw this on youtube!!! amazing.. btw wen u step on those block smalls, how does it trigger the man cannon?
how i got my gamertag: i play shooter games and i like to kill alot like a machine and 12 was a random number.