thanks in pic 11 wen u grenade jump u cant onto the pipes from the top of the dumpster.ya in picture 2 i put that so it has more cover..
sry but most people were saying bad things about the guardian b.c. map and it was going down the list and people werent posting in it anymore.....
hey if we do test the map out first can we test it with the original spawns i did? but im grounded and i might not b able to play halo 2day.
changed link to map.. i will probably change the number of grenades, players spawn at both side so that makes less spawn kills. and yes i made it...
hey look like ur new... u posted two of the same map (MLG Semper Fi) . on the one that isnt complete erase all of it put in "please delete this...
sandbox vs foundry i would have to go with sandbox.. some reason tho it has MANY flaws. sandbox has three tiers of heaven and foundry has one...
i play on 3. higher sensitivity isn't my thing.. id like to keep my br and sniper consistent.
ur first map!! its actually very thought out. very good weapon placement. u have a good emagination! good it up in ur next maps!
u forgot family guy buddy.. or if u dont like it. also sportsscenter is pretty cool
thanks.. im soo tired of people saying it sucks. read all the posts
hey can u lock the forum in mlg maps " Guardian B.C. " ?
way to bring bck a bad topic ***
no sry.. i dont think flag would work well for this map.. it just isnt the map 4 flag.... its a circle!
thanks for all the feedback and i put it in forge so u can see all the spawns
with bumper jumper you can do the unthinkable. but seriously its really good . i use it to jump around noobs. also bumper jumper is better and...
MLG Elaborate [IMG] Made by: KILLn Machine12 Recommended players: 2-8 Supported gametypes: mlg team slayer, mlg team koth, mlg...
its for asthetics. i like the idea of the map.. but the right side of each base is weak.. try adding something there so its as powerful as the...
wat r u talking about? mlg maps can be asymetrical, like guardian, construct and probly more i dont no of... bout the map.. smooth, very...
my top ten maps halo 3 2.the pit- halo 3 3.a heated rivalry- turok 4.fuel depot- gow 5.traing grounds-turok 6.sandbox- halo 3...