u mean like download maps from forgehub onto ur harddrive? if so u go to the download link, go to download to halo 3 from bungie, then it says...
hey add me on xbl for the testing ... gt: KILLn Machine12
watch im winning in the losers brackets
u guys r forgetting bout longshore, citadel and heretic.it comes out with odst. in longshore u have the crates, the duble box, and stuff. the...
wooh.. srt8 rippin didnt do so well. i was thinking they wud do better as they do but they get destroyed. i also love how wen the crowd goes crazy...
i wud say campaign cuz its more focused and longer. its gunna b awesome enuf to give u shivers.
i have bungie pro and it is actually cool how u can get ur vids onto youtube and w.e. from your stuff on ur fileshare without using a camera or a...
ya i was thinking that too.. there are spartans on a rock .... didnt really make alot of effort for the pic but y bungie favourites? ive seen...
Sentinel The covenant once abandoned the sentinel, leaving the spartans to discover its true power. [IMG] Made by: KILLn Machine12...
What has been your halo 3 moment that has gotten you to go crazy over it? It can be stolen exterms, lag fests, lagging out of an important game,...
thats true because if u can see alot of the map map at once especially with the sniper that can make them camp more and get easy kills. try to...
hey can u tell me if ur map test is at 9:00 p.m. est?
i heard when u get halo 3 odst, there are 2 disks: the first is the campaign and firefight thing the second is i think an updated halo 3 disk...
k, ill add u on xbl.
my flaws are letting my teamates do bad and we lose. and me not getting a ranked extermination yet. (dam kill stealers!)
Bungie.net : Halo 3 Game Details Machine12
hey me and nivlac played the 1v1 and i won. 20-0 if u want me to send u the game dtails i will.
Forge Hub - BB Code List (go to the spoiler part) this is how u do the spoiler thing ...ask me if ur having problems with it
i think project natal is a stupid thing microsoft did .. especially that annoying british or watever voice the person in the game talks like....
very good. looks clean, nice weapon placements, love the top mid and bottom. also nicly thougth out for the middle and the sides for fun gameplay...