is it possible for you to change the name of my map in the testers guild form thursday to friday? i messud...
Team: KILLn Machine12, FB PHILTORCITY, XxiPodTouchMe, iTzzzz A HabiT Map: Windward difficulty: Heroic High Score: 701,503 Evidence: :...
team or solo: team map: windward difficulty: normal highscore: 520,961 evidence: : Halo 3 ODST Firefight Game : Windward (Co-Op) :...
no, im not really ranting or anything. its just this stuff happens to me all the time and i wanted to share it with u guys.
ya u betta go preorder it soon before its too late and then ull have to wait 2 months after the release date. trust me buy it its goonna b great.
that looks pretty sick.. and all the things it can do like the original scarb, like shoot that beam out top.. i see no diffrence looks overall beast.
i am .. for a number of reasonss: new maps, new campaign, firefight, beta reach. The #1 reason is for the new multiplayer maps. they look cool.
Description: wat could of turned out great but bungie decided to put dinosaurs into halo3. Edit: i got the video working.. here it is YouTube -...
imo people say callouts so they can win the game and so they dont get mad. i usually get mad only if someone steals my mlg exterm for the 25th...
wow? really? i thought right wen u get odst u can play the reach beta. it would suck if they cancalled it or make us wait a cuple months for it.
ive heard somewhere bungie saying that reach will be pretty different then the halo series (which gets me mad cuz i like halo they way it is) and...
i played this map and its fustrating.. too many tubes and wen u fall , which is easy on this map ,u wait to spawn then u have to go through that...
do i have to sign up for the testers guild in order to test the maps?
tested, updated and now with action shots.
EDIT: nvm i have pd day tomorrow
wats nacht der untoten? if u tell me ill probly b able to do that 4 u
Is there a way to regain my halo3 clips from matchmaking that i have played like a long time ago? like download them again so i can watch them on...
the big thing about maps in the skybubble is that grenades falling through the ground.. in the middle u have like 15 slit walls and grenades will...
hey wen we get odst will we still have the community maps(if u no wat i mean) on our odst disk that we had from halo 3? and also all our clips i...
did my message help u? also, welcome to forgehub