this looks like a lotta fun. i love the traffic light idea. i think if you put custom and camo together it would make a green light though....
damn! this is sweet! this has an incredibly realistic prison-look to it, with all the levels and stuff. it looks awesome i gotta try this out!
this looks awesome! i'll be sure to play on it.
this is one craaaaaaaazy map! it has a very interesting design with a lot of odd features. looks good for some not-so-serious gameplay
looks godly. that's all i can say.
This looks sweet! This will definitely motivate me to build a headquarters map. Awesome job and brilliant idea!
damn! this is an uber sexy map! I've gotta check this out it looks really sweet. the stream is really awesome and unique too. great job!
for your first map, you sure seem to have a knack for this! keep it up and you'll be making some high quality maps in no time. this looks nice...
you do know how to interlock right? if not go here anyway sounds like...
When you release the item to be used, will variations on it be allowed? (e.g. double box ---> double box, open; wall ---> double wall, wall corner)
Personally, I have no problem with marijuana. Obviously, like any drug, it has it's bad elements. Like someone mentioned, it can lead into...
Does my signature count? I was thinking about adding a "Why So Serious" but I don't wanna go back to it and I might not have room. It took a...
This is really cool I love how you put the signs and everything to make it more "speedway-ish." The overall track looks really good too it looks...
When you said smooth, you meant it! This is by far the smoothest race track I have yet beheld. Excellent job!
I support this idea. I really hope this grows, so I'll definitely make some maps. Great idea!
Are you people crazy? (What do you mean, you people?) Anyway this idea is not overused at all. Old, yes, but overused, no! In fact, I think it...
This is fantastic! It completely changes the usual Foundry look and gives it a whole new perspective. Great job it's very creative and has a...
This map looks really cool. I like how you used the old barrier pillar thing but in new unique ways. And the dumpster box thing is cool too....
This has got to be one of the most wonderfully structured/designed maps ever. I've never seen double boxes and walls used in such a unique way....
there's a difference between trying to make a remake of a map and stealing it. but anyway about the map lol i wanna make a video on here with...