You don't need to forge an entire city. Just consider one cross section with a forged crashed blackhawk at the center. Some inter connected...
This appears to be very elegant and smoothly forged. Those stairs really jumped forward at me, the bars in the sewer were also a nice touch.
The forging seems to be clean and the concept is indeed interesting. This arena definitely stands out. I only have once concern. I've noticed...
Funny how you log on and it hits you just like that ha!? But you guys did awesome on this, big congrads!
Yep just loads a different map, and appreciate it.
Hey you do what you gotta do. I have about $1500 to play around with on Kat. I may leave some budget to make it less laggy haven't decided. The...
nice thread activity Can you log in on Reach right now? shoot me a message if you do.
So why would you want a video of something that hasn't been posted yet? and clean up your pm box =|
firefly? lol are you sure you're messaging the right person? I have Kat almost done and the arbiter under me sleeve
Always be a blue to me
haha you made this? I saw angel put this up on waypoint a while back as screenshot of the day. Congrads!
Orbital Defense Platforms fire a 3,000-ton slug at "point four-tenths the speed of light", around 12,000 kilometers per second. If that puppy ever...
This map brings back a lot of memories. The original Colossus on Halo 2 brought a lot of interesting combat situations. You seem to have captured...
Alright (crackin ma knucles) You should really go into detail in your description about why exactly this is the Covenant homeworld. If you think...
No more moderating Sarge?
Didn't know that the Japanese had banshees and hovering base ships in the war..Out dated texbooks... Anyway this is an awesome twist to a very...
When it comes down to snappy gameplay and geometic aesthetics you definitely thrive in that domain! The map has plenty of choices for a player to...
I kid you not, I remember someone messaging me to forge this and I lightly explained that someone out there would do a much beter job than I...
Sorry to hear that.. I admire the overall circular theme for this map. Even if rushed on time, you did a great job with your craftsmanship and...
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