I would say Barcelona's treble, and now sextuplet. Its the only time 6 titles have been won consecutively. Right now they're probably the most...
I'm personaly really excited for Splinter Cell. Thats probably the only early 2010 game I'll buy. I'm also looking forward to Max Payne 3 and I...
I know I already got one but I changed my avatar, so if you have time could you please add a hat to my new one? Thanks.
Yeah but what about things like Photoshop? I mean come on no computer program is worth $1000 unless it can print you real money.
Hmm I don't want re-sizeable items or a paint brush thing. I short of thing of Forge like Xbox 360, and the way a lot of people seem to want...
I don't really think that you should be going by the books so much. They had help from Bungie, but they weren't written by Bungie. I think I...
wow that was really informative? Want to say what you're actually doing, or is it a surprise?
Wow Fbu, that's what I call blunt cruisin.
Wow this is seriously awesome. Probably the best aesthetics on any map ever. I love how it only works from a certain spot. Reminds of those rocks...
They really need to patch the EMP so it disables nukes. I think that is such a cool concept that they should add. And if your just playin for...
th47 stuff 1sn'7 M1G!!11 Seriously though I do miss those kind of things. I feel like when they were making Halo 3 that they were trying to hard...
thanks d00d your awesome!
Well I think it's pretty cool if you get it a couple times, but definitely not useful in most cases. And also do kills from things in care...
alright a find a cool avatar, so can you please add a hat, although you seem to be getting a ton of requests now.
hmm I'll have to make one of these since the slowpoke fad seems to finally be gone.
did you sign out and sign back in?
yeah once the Catch skull turns on in firefight they start sticking each other accidentally a lot. I've seen a lot of brutes get stuck by grunts.
haha I love this this song. and yeah it always makes me think of Office Space, and YTMND....
Uh if you listen to the the most recent Bungie podcast (I think) they talk about putting down the Hang 'Em High map and designing over that. I...
Wow this has just turned into a debate about superpowers. Batman does not have superpowers, and he never did. Anyways I'm really psyched for the...