Haha I like Hysteria's the best. Overall they're all pretty funny.
So true. I love all the modded matches on XBC. But anyways... This whole Halo 2 thing dying reminds me a lot of when Michael Jackson died. All...
The world may never know... But really I don't know. I kind of doubt it because it's so hard to keep something secret these days. Like you tell...
This looks really good. Too bad it wasn't done in time for the 7 Wonders contest, I think it definitely would have been a contender.
I'm really not an expert or anything but to me his arm with the sword looks too dark, so it kind of looks like its disconnected or not his arm.
For aesthetic http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/92433-roflmonster.html that is awesome
I thought of a good idea but a dont know if it's been said before. It would be awesome if you could make something like a little structure out of...
I bet Infinity Ward could eventually put your xp back up but it would probably take a lonnnnng time, but still that's really scary.
I do but only when it's a really nice kill or if they're trash talking or tea bag me when they suck. But yeah I love it, and I don't think there...
Wow this is probably the purest, and best remake I've ever seen. I've played quite a bit of Halo CE through XBC and I've always loved that map,...
I almost gurantee that there will be a map that is completely, or at least almost completely indoors, after all the people bitching about...
Akimbo Vectors= owned. I use them all the time in CTF. They're so fun. And I love shooting UAVs with the AT4. I also like using the AT4 on...
I saw this 1 AC-130 shoot of at least 4 sets of flares, but I was using an AT4 so maybe that's why.
dude i'll come play if you're still playing. W/e i'll send you a message on xbox.
I got some people to do that exact thing with me last night. You have to watch out for the holes in the floor and people keep coming from...
Yeah I'll agree with you, the FALs sights aren't to good and some of the LMGs aren't good eather. I wish you could use just iron sights with the...
Do you have to use the same setup in the video or can you have different guns equiped and perks?
Wow I decided to try out the Tar today; that thing owns so hard. :) one thing I've noticed is that the iron sights are almost too good, for all...
I'd be willing to try this out if you could post some times when you're doing a game.
About prestige, I got CoD 4 pretty late on, like around July 2009. I decided that I wasn't going to prestige because MW2 would be out soon....