I want to go get it at midnight, but get this, IT COMES OUT THE ****ING DAY AFTER MY BIRTHDAY! Why can't stuff come out on a Monday? But I'll...
As much as I hate Canada I do have to admit that that is really well made. It looks you painted it or something. Its really good quality. Your...
I like it. The blue and black is definitely better looking than the current white and orange.
YouTube- Halo: Reach Firefight - Beachhead Gameplay New, and better footage.
Where do I find this goddess? I'm on the island in the lake at night, but I don't see anything! You guys should have seen my fail. I was in...
Did you at least try to run it as Admin? Because i was getting the same errors and thats what I did to get it to work.
So are people going to be able to by those empty houses (i found 3 so far) in Act II, and how much will they be?
Mine's jailbroken but don't even use any themes. (Maybe set it to User Wallpaper every now and then) I think I got sick of having to explaining...
Wow... France officially sucks now. Now that Zidane left it shows that the rest of the team is more than a little lacking.
England was trashing the US. I would say that Green would be is the US MVP for the match. US actually has a pretty good goalie, which is what...
I basically like everything except it is somewhat hard to use jet pack with Bumper Jumper. I think it's ridiculous that games still don't have...
Lol I'm playin halo 2 with you
Not knowing what level the enemy is on is like half the fun. Personally its all preference. I seem to go through phases where I'll like a map,...
Well the good thing about the overshield power is that it might actually make people work together more so they can kill the guy in case he does...
What do you guys think about the "Active Roster" part? I'm hoping it means they're reintroducing clans to Halo. Overall this video looks pretty...
Some type of Pokeman. I don't know what kind would be best because of the limited colors available.
You could have the humans spawn in a room with teleporters to another room where there are the CPs.
lol lightscouts theory is the best!
this is something that i could see in the blame stosh part in a bnet update. It looks really good.
I really hate how the new AR looks, but that shotty looks so cool. It looks like the H3 shotgun combined with a SPAS. Overall the graphics look...