Thats some insane dedication of time and energy
can you quote it 4 me cuz i am on a suckish mobile device
i r on teh internet via my moms kindle thing ;D
lolwutt... i did no such thing
Viva Pinata. Filled with fun. Filled with fun! Lol yeahh... Viva Pinata is pretty childish but very addicting. I haven't played it in forever...
or orbital. or assembly. But I really want to make some uber l337 sandbox map
lol w.e. Get to it. Btw, I am RRoD. When I get back, you. me. sandbox. :)
Check the shop. A kid wants you to do something for him
I <3 mah sig
My god. How many pictures did you take of that TGIF?
moar noodles.
Yeah i rembemered that i had whisper on his phone so i texted him on it and yeah :p But yeah nothing happen really :S you know you want to give...
Np man. I looked at that map and was amazed. I can't wait to get my Xbox back so I can play it
My biggest disappointment was definitely Fable 2. The game itself and how it played was excellent. It was fun and very addicting. The problem I...
Fallout 3. Amazing replayability. Amazing game time. Amazing graphics. Amazing everything. But then again, depends on the kind of game you...
I bought my Xbox for Halo 3 lol. But technically, it came with that dumb super hero game and Forza 2 but I guess those technically don't...
Quite hard if you live in Florida lol..... Well I just got RRoD and I like cried. I turned on my xbox to FINALLY DL the Mythics and those three...